How to add alternative text to images

Alternative text (alt text) is required for accessibility. Screen-readers read aloud alt text, giving audio descriptions to images, charts and other objects.

When writing alt text:

  • Make sure your alt text is meaningful and describes the content and function of the image.
  • Keep the alt text concise (no more than 10-15 words).
  • If an image contains words, include the words in the alt text (for example words in a logo).
  • Do not include phrases like “image of”, “table of” or “link to”.
  • If the image is decorative and there is nothing important to say about it the screen reading software can ignore it if you mark it as decorative in word.
  • If your audience needs more information than you can fit in the Alt Text box, add descriptive content to the document itself. This can go next to or below the object in question.

You can add alt text to other objects, such as pictures, clip art, charts and tables.

Adding alt text

To add alternative text to an image you should first insert the image, then right click and click Edit Alt Text.

Shows how to add alt text in an image