Optional and mandatory fields


  • Users don’t always know what is implied by the required field marker (*). Instead, it is better to denote optional fields with the word 'optional' next to labels.
  • Mandatory fields should include "required" in the input.
  • In addition the form should provide an error message if a web visitor attempts to press the submit button before properly filling out the fields. See validation for more detail.


  • Don't use the field marker (*).


Personal details


<div class="form-group lcc-form-group"> <label class="form-label" for="firstName"> First name </label> <input class="form-control lcc-input" id="firstName" name="firstName" type="text"> </div> <div class="form-group lcc-form-group"> <label class="form-label" for="firstName"> Last name <em - optional</em> </label> <input class="form-control lcc-input" id="firstName" name="firstName" type="text" required> </div>